UPT Sigma Tandem Course

Candidate requirements:

  • 18+ years old

  • 3 years of skydiving experience in accordance with FAR 104.45. *

  • Hold a current USPA D license. *

  • Currently possess, or at one time been issued, a USPA Coach, a USPA static-line instructor, or USPA AFF Instructor rating. *

  • Have logged at least 500 ram-air jumps and accumulated at least 6 hours freefall time.

  • Has logged at least 100 ram-air jumps in past 12 months.

  • Hold a current FAA Class I, II or III medical certificate. *

    *Denotes foreign equivalent acceptable when all documents are from the same country.

Course Outline

Day 1:

  1. Introductions, Expectations.

  2. Verify all candidates paperwork and complete all UPT Tandem Instructor Forms to include tests.

  3. Start the UPT Tandem Instructor Presentation.

  4. Show the tandems gone badly and apply skill analysis.

  5. Go over the Sigma and Vector tests to include the USPA tests for USPA Tandem Instructors.

Day 2:

  1. Conduct the Emergency Procedure practice with the scenarios (at least 3 hours of practice.)

  2. Start Phase 1 Jumps

Day 3:

  1. Finish Phase 1 Jumps

  2. Start Phase 2 Jumps

  3. Ensure that all paperwork is completed and sent off to UPT and/or USPA for Phase 1.

End of Course Critique, Interviews, and Feedback.